I didn't make it to the GO33, a busy schedule topped off with a hacking cough forced the withdrawal. I was disappointed but knew it was the right decision. Preparation had been going well with a 26 mile session completed two weeks ago but I haven't run since. Tonight was a choice between restarting the training or updating my blog, the laptop won.
WHW race entry opened where I found myself staring at the screen for a long time, weighing up the pros and cons of doing it all again. Eventually I pressed the go button, I can't think of a better place to be on the 22nd of June, running with the "family" supported by my family and friends. Here's hoping I secure a place for the 2013 race.
Next up and last race of the year is the Fraserburgh Half Marathon a week on Sunday, a great atmosphere and one of my favourite races so I better get running again.
MP3 of the week, it's got to be - Here I Go Again by Whitesnake.