The Deer Runner

The Deer Runner

Monday, 10 February 2014

Short month, miles short.

Another week where things haven't quite gone to plan.  The Glee Club were running in the Glencoe area on Saturday, "great" I thought to myself, I might just make this run.  On checking my calendar I was dismayed to find out I was working, how could I have missed that.  There was another problem.
Being on call over the weekend put my long run into jeopardy.  There was only one thing for it, run home once again but do it Thursday evening this time.

The weather was a bit kinder, much better than the previous two Dyce to New Deer jaunts.
It felt good to run without wet weather gear, although the waterproofs were packed in my back pack.
Two Mars Bars were sustenance for this trip under a moonlit sky. 

I ran the first half too fast, it just felt so good and was easy to get into a fast rhythm.  This pace meant the second half uphill section was going to be hard.  Once in Ellon I stopped on the bridge over the Ythan, taking night shots with the iphone and uploading them to FB. 

After quarter of an hour I was on my way but the wind was out of my sails, the run became a chore.
I walked some of the steeper up hills, hills I quite happily plodded up on the previous drenched occasions.  I convinced myself it was okay to power walk, it uses a different set of muscles and gives the calf's a good stretch. 

On getting home I felt tired, a lot more fatigued than the previous slow and steady trips home. 
The times were all around the same which just confirms a nice steady pace will be required if I'm going to complete the Double Cateran.

I planned 13 miles back to back this weekend but it wasn't to be.  Work commitments cut the run on Saturday while family time shortened the run on Sunday, sometimes running has to take a back seat.

I'm not too concerned with not keeping on track with the program, this week is supposed to be an easy one but with the Fling Training weekend coming up the miles should get back into the fifties, here's hoping anyway.

Tues 4  Wed 4  Thurs 26  Sat 5  Sun 8.  Weekly total 47 miles.



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